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이 글 전체적인 조언좀요
논리성, 개연성, 가독성 등등등...
Humanity made itself livestock
The pursuit of freedom has not gotten over but hidden the oppressions
"Wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, take a bus, go to work, work hard, eat lunch, go home, watch TV, be sad, just sleep"
We are deceived to believe those commands as our own choices
We are fool who find this society better than any time.
Dialectical processes are not a path to the absolute but constant regressions
Syntheses have never transcended but only concealed contradictions
Marx successfully criticized the Hegel's idealism, but failed to address the absurdity of assumption on the convergence of aufhebens, which can be improved by negative dialectics. History can progress in any unexpected ways, not like as in Marxist or Hegelian optimistic and convergent historicism.
It is essential to be careful of any potential dogmatism, but not giving up the pursuit for rationality, as it is another form of uniformization stemming from post-modernism.
Social democracy, which Marx wouldn't have predicted at all, is opium that conceals and fails to address the inherent flaws of capitalism. Minimal wage leads to the deception that people are not exploited. Labor unions have already been polluted by the bourgeoisie. Welfare are done by exploiting involuntary workers using taxes stolen from citizens. Currency is a tool to justify exploitation by commodifying labor. The flaws will persist in any forms unless we take an action. Physical violence cannot solve but repeat the absurdities as it becomes another static dogmatism. Without violence, however, nothing fundamentally changes. We could approach this dilemma by materialistically analyzing the societal structures, where the demanded gain power while others lose. We should replace industries with voluntary units outside monetary logic or governmental influences to be independent and demand nothing from them. This non-physical yet materialistically powerful 'violence' can weaken the traditional power structures.
We can begin in the digital realm, where capitalistic dogmas have not yet spread too much and a small amount of labor yields infinite quantity of products. We should minimize the use of priced software in favor of fostering open source products. Then we spread this system to the industries of basic needs such as foods or clothes. Churches and mosques would be our powerful allies beyond religious ideologies. Religion is no more opium but a supporter. Believers reject any oppressors for the sake of the transcendent absolute - which I don't find necessary though - helpful for the transition. More and more people will be motivated to work for no payment with such free services, expanding the extent of decentralized society. The demanded gain power, the ignored lose power. We should be independent of the status quo by minimizing our demand on it.
People already have experiences working without payment, not even knowing that it's a labor: Cooking, cleaning, childcare, open source programming, creating videos, writing music, collecting garbage outside, and so on. Our nature does not distinguish leisure and labor. We humans used to work when we recognize societal needs, are willing to realizing ourselves, or even just want to have some fun. Feudalism and capitalism historically distorted our intrinsic nature.
It is however crucial to note that the vision works only in a society with highly developed technology where labor yields an exponential amount of production, enough to prevent a
lack of supply. We should thus retain from practicing it in developing countries, as it could lead to severe societal chaos. Advocating changes need thoughtful contemplation of materialistic and dialectical history of humanity.
We cannot help but accept that capitalistic system has accomplished impressive steps in terms of quantitative realms, developing numerous fields governed by instrumental reason. This generated a way for humanity to be free, but it was also the lack of critical reason shadowed by conservative ideologies such as social democracy and revised capitalism who led us to dismiss the very way it made.
글을 쓰는 시도는 해봤는데... 가독성 많이 떨어지나요??
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